
Group project to build out an API with Grape

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby Grape

Built with [ Ruby | Ruby on Rails | Grape | Redis ]

Grape API Slides

"An opinionated micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby."

"...designed to run on Rack or complement web application framework such as Rails and Sinatra by providing a simple DSL..."

"...built in support for common conventions: multiple formats, subdomain/prefix restriction, content negotiation, versioning..."

"Because grape APIs are Rack applications, it is very easy (in rails 3) and quite easy (in rails 2.3) to mount it in your existing rails application."

Ruby makes hard things easy But APIs still aren’t easy APIs in Rails are too entangled APIs in Sinatra are too manual Why can’t APIs have their own framework? Generalized Rapid API Erector Built for ease of development. Sinatra-inspired. Just works.

If you are looking to build a small API use Sinatra and Node otherwise you can integreate Grape with Rails.


  • REST => any simple URI-based request to a specific domain over HTTP without the use of an additional messaging layer such as SOAP (simple object access protocol)

  • REST-like => follows a loose adherence to REST

  • Rack => middleware, provides a minimal inerface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks, an interface that can talk to a web server

  • DSL => Domain Specific Language, DSL code only focuses on what you want the app to do, while the larger system figures out how to do it

  • XML =>

  • Redis => a server just like postgres that runs in the background

Grape Resources


If you choose to use a database: rails new grape_gutenberg -d postgresql If you choose to use Redis: rails new grape_gutenberg Grape is available as a gem, to install it just install the gem: gem install grape If you're using Bundler, add the gem to Gemfile. gem 'grape' gem 'hashie-forbidden_attributes' (Additionally, if the version of your Rails is 4.0+ and the application uses the default model layer of ActiveRecord, you will want to use the hashie-forbidden_attributes gem. This gem disables the security feature of strong_params at the model layer, allowing you the use of Grape's own params validation instead.) Run bundle install. Install Redis brew install redis To have launchd start redis at login: ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/redis/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents Then to load redis now: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist In application.rb add the following code - this will tell rails to load everything in the api folder:

config.paths.add File.join('app', 'api'), glob: File.join('**', '.rb') config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'api', '')]

make a floder under app called /api

now mount the api module to the root in routes.rb mount Twitter::API => '/'

in /api make a /gutenberg folder create a new model (gutenberg.rb) in the /gutenberg folder

NOT USING A RDF file? WANT TO SCRAPE A WEBPAGE? get page into string load page with nokogiri html

put rdf in repo outside of rails file

#Screenshots of the Slide Presentation

*Slide 1 *Slide 2 *Slide 3 *Slide 4 *Slide 5 *Slide 6 *Slide 7 *Slide 8 *Slide 9 *Slide 10 *Slide 11 *Slide 12 *Slide 13 *Slide 14 *Slide 15 *Slide 16 *Slide 17