Phalcon 4 Restful API CRUD Tutorial

About The Project

(Indonesia) Project ini dibuat dalam rangka pembelajaran mengenai proses implementasi metode Restful API dengan menggunakan framework PHP Phalcon.

(English) This project is created for implementing a Restful API method by using Phalcon PHP Framework.

Built With



  1. Phalcon PHP Framework

API Documentation

You can see the API documentation here

Getting Started (Activating Phalcon PHP Framework Backend Server)

  1. Download this Project or you can type git clone
  2. Open app's directory in CMD or Terminal
  3. Type "php -S localhost:8000 -t .htrouter.php -t public


  1. Login a User
  2. Register a New User
  3. Logout User
  4. Create a New User
  5. Read All User
  6. Read User Detail
  7. Update a User
  8. Delete a User



© Muhammad Akbar Saladin Siregar