Technical Test - CRUD Project

About The Project

Project ini dibuat dalam rangka menyelesaikan technical test. Project ini menggunakan library Javascript yaitu Vue.js sebagai frontend dan framework PHP yaitu Phalcon Framework sebagai backend.

Built With

Vue Bootstrap Phalcon


  1. Vue Js
  2. Node_modules npm install or yarn install
  3. Phalcon PHP Framework

API Documentation

You can see the API documentation here

Getting Started (Activating Vue JS Server)

  1. Download this Project or you can type git clone
  2. Open app's directory in CMD or Terminal
  3. Change your directory to "vue-frontend" folder in terminal
  4. Type npm install or yarn install
  5. Type npm run dev

Getting Started (Activating Phalcon PHP Framework Backend Server)

  1. Download this Project or you can type git clone
  2. Open app's directory in CMD or Terminal
  3. Type phalcon serve or phalcon server


  1. Create Data
  2. Read a Data
  3. Update Data
  4. Delete Data



© Muhammad Akbar Saladin Siregar