Mert AKBAŞ  iOS Developer

I model the data I got from a haber site and transferred it to the application with Alamofire. I created a detail page for the news and showed the pictures by downloading them with SDWebImage. I implemented the auto layout for the news list screen of the application programmatically. Cells used in CollectionView are dynamically designed to be sized according to the content.


  • MVVM Architecture ✅
  • Programmatically ✅
  • Alamofire ✅
  • SDWebImage ✅


Two UICollectionViews are used on the News List page. Categories have been created for news in HeaderCollectionView. When the selection is made, the Cell shifts to the left and the news list is displayed starting from the first index. News are listed in the second collectionView. Cells are sized automatically according to the content.


Note: Above is a gif promoting the app. Downloading late due to file size.

News List Page

News Detail Page

Safari Service Page