
A simple note-taking app.

In order to build, clone the repo, configure the mobile app endpoint. The mobile app might take some configuration for running on different devices and networks. The .dev.environment file should be edited to run the mobile app. The endpoint IP address can be configured for the local network. and build:

docker-compose up --build

After building the images, the mobile app container will not die but will not run the app either. You should attach a shell and connect a physical android device and run the app yourself. In order to run on a physical mobile device as shown here:

Another option is to run the phoenix server from the docker and run the app from a pc.

Encountered problems

  • Had a problem with the mobile app being ran from the docker container. I failed to configure the networking settings properly. I could only configure the server to answer to requests from a locally hosted (on my own system) mobile app.
  • Initially, I developed the project on a Apple silicon chip mac. This created many problems with Flutter dockerization, as well as with the backend when I wanted to run the image on a computer with an Intel chip. Afterwards, I finished the project on a Windows pc.