
Listen to netlink events for network interfaces and publish it to etcd or kafka

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


Print network interface and module info. Listen to netlink events for network interfaces and publish it to etcd or kafka


First install Docker.

docker run --rm -p 2379:2379 -p 2380:2380 --name etcd gcr.io/etcd-development/etcd:v3.2 /usr/local/bin/etcd \
        --name my-etcd-1 \
        --data-dir /etcd-data \
        --listen-client-urls \
        --advertise-client-urls \
        --listen-peer-urls \
        --initial-advertise-peer-urls \
        --initial-cluster my-etcd-1= \
        --initial-cluster-token my-etcd-token \
        --initial-cluster-state new


yum install ifwatch

Verify install, needs to run as root if you want module info.

ifwatch print

In order to start modify /etc/sysconfig/ifwatch and add "--endpoints etcd1:2379" to use etcd or "--backend kafka --brokers kafka1:9092" for using Kafka.

service ifwatch start


systemctl ifwatch start

Needs to run as root if you want module info.

ifwatch info

Needs to run as root if you want module info.

ifwatch print

Or as JSON.

ifwatch print --json | jq -r .
ifwatch watch --backend kafka --brokers kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092
ifwatch log --backend kafka --brokers kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092

Needs to run as root if you want module info.

./ifwatch daemon --backend kafka --brokers kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092

Generate refresh event, useful for testing or if use Kafka as backend where events have a TTL.

./ifwatch refresh --backend kafka --brokers kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092

First install Docker.

make build-rpm

First install Go.

export GOPATH="~/go"
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/imc-trading
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/imc-trading
git clone git@github.com/imc-trading/ifwatch.git
cd ifwatch
make deps build

  ifwatch print [<interface>] [--json]
  ifwatch info [<interface>]
  ifwatch daemon [--skip-interfaces=<interfaces>] [--skip-drivers=<drivers>] [--backend=<backend>] [--topic=<topic>] [--brokers=<brokers>] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--endpoints=<endpoints>] [--cert=<file>] [--key=<file>] [--ca=<file>] [--refresh=<seconds>] [--ttl=<seconds>] [--user=<user>] [--pass=<file>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
  ifwatch refresh [--skip-interfaces=<interfaces>] [--skip-drivers=<drivers>] [--backend=<backend>] [--topic=<topic>] [--brokers=<brokers>] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--endpoints=<endpoints>] [--cert=<file>] [--key=<file>] [--ca=<file>] [--user=<user>] [--pass=<file>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
  ifwatch watch [<host/interface>] [--json] [--host=<host>] [--interface=<interface>] [--backend=<backend>] [--topic=<topic>] [--brokers=<brokers>] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--endpoints=<endpoints>] [--cert=<file>] [--key=<file>] [--ca=<file>] [--user=<user>] [--pass=<file>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
  ifwatch log [<host/interface>] [--json] [--backend=<backend>] [--topic=<topic>] [--brokers=<brokers>] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--endpoints=<endpoints>] [--cert=<file>] [--key=<file>] [--ca=<file>] [--user=<user>] [--pass=<file>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
  ifwatch ls [--json] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--endpoints=<endpoints>] [--cert=<file>] [--key=<file>] [--ca=<file>] [--user=<user>] [--pass=<file>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
  ifwatch flush [<host/interface>] [--backend=<backend>] [--topic=<topic>] [--brokers=<brokers>] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--endpoints=<endpoints>] [--cert=<file>] [--key=<file>] [--ca=<file>] [--user=<user>] [--pass=<file>] [--timeout=<seconds>]
  ifwatch -h | --help
  ifwatch --version

  print                                 Verbose info about interfaces.
  info                                  Brief info about interfaces.
  daemon                                Run as a daemon and publish interface events.
  refresh                               Generate refresh event.
  watch                                 Watch all interface events.
  log                                   Log of interface events.
  ls                                    List all interfaces. (etcd only)
  flush                                 ...tbd... Flush events for a host or interface (etcd only).

  -h --help                             Show this screen.
  --version                             Show version.
  --json                                Print as JSON.
  --skip-interfaces=<interfaces>        Comma-delimited list of interfaces to skip (env: IFWATCH_SKIP_INTERFACES). [default: lo]
  --skip-drivers=<drivers>              Comma-delimited list of driver to skip (env: IFWATCH_SKIP_DRIVERS). [default: veth,bridge]
  --backend=<backend>                   Backend for events etcd or kafka (env. IFWATCH_BACKEND). [default: etcd]
  --topic=<topic>                       Kafka topic (env: IFWATCH_TOPIC). [default: ifwatch]
  --brokers=<brokers>                   Kafka brokers (env: IFWATCH_BROKERS).
  --prefix=<prefix>                     etcd prefix (env: IFWATCH_PREFIX). [default: /ifwatch]
  --endpoints=<endpoints>               etcd comma-delimited list of hosts in the cluster (env: IFWATCH_ENDPOINTS).
  --refresh=<seconds>                   Send refresh event every number of seconds.
  --ttl=<seconds>                       ...tbd... TTL of event in seconds (etcd only).
  --user=<user>                         ...tbd... etcd user (env: IFWATCH_USER).
  --pass=<file>                         ...tbd... etcd password file (env: IFWATCH_PASS).
  --cert=<file>                         ...tbd... TLS certificate file (env: IFWATCH_CERT).
  --key=<file>                          ...tbd... TLS key file (env: IFWATCH_KEY).
  --ca=<file>                           ...tbd... TLS CA bundle file (env: IFWATCH_CA).
  --timeout=<seconds>                   Connection timeout in seconds. [default: 5]