
A place to store all the illustrations of various concepts that I design

MIT LicenseMIT

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A place to store all the illustrations of various concepts that I design. It contains Git cheatsheets, Kotlin cheatsheets etc

How to Contribute

Have a concept you would like to illustrate, then follow the steps below to contribute to the repo and make it easy for others to learn your favourite concepst:

  1. Fork the repo to your own account
  2. Clone it to your local machine
  3. Create your illustration and give it a unique name
  4. Commit your change with an easy to understand
  5. Push your changes to your account
  6. Open a PR
  7. Wait for it to be merged into the main repo

N.B: For a detailed view on how to contribute to this repo, follow this link

Illustrations Available so far

  1. Git Cheatsheet
  2. Type System