
Just a custom proxy tunnel for crossing the wall

Primary LanguageTypeScript



ATunnel is a simple port proxy tool,  Which you can easy to define your own Socket Package Format. 
if you can't access your appserver directly , try this...

How To Use

At first , you need nodejs env.
	On Linux 
		yum install Nodejs (more info https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/)
	On Windows 
		install the Nodejs.msi (which your can finde on https://nodejs.org/)
	download the Atunnel ,and save to some place your like.
	On Server
		node built/RemoteServer.js
	On Local
		node built/LocalServer.js

you can start it use forever command.
	forever start built/RemoteServer.js
	forever start built/LocalServer.js


    "LocalServer_ListenHost": "",	//LocalServer Listen IP, = every ip this pc have	
    "LocalServer_ListenPort": 8000,		//LocalServer Listen port ,whatever..

    "RemoteServer_Address": "",	//RemoteServer IP Address
    "RemoteServer_ListenHost": "",	//RemoteServer  Listen IP
    "RemoteServer_ListenPort": 4002,		//RemoteServer Listen port ,whatever..

    "TargetServerHost": "",	// Which Server you wanna connect...
    "TargetServerPort": 22,			// Port, RDP 3389 ,SSH 22, whatever you want to connect

    "PackageHeadFormat" :[
      {"startPos": 0,"length": 2,"type": "String","contents": "CN"},
      {"startPos": 2,"length": 4,"type": "PackageSize","contents": ""},     
      {"startPos": 6,"length": 2,"type": "String","contents": "NY"}        

    "PackageDataChkHeadFormat" :[
      {"startPos": 0,"length": 8,"type": "ChkString","contents": "Atunnel"},
      {"startPos": 8,"length": 8,"type": "ChkString","contents": "Atunnel"},
      {"startPos": 16,"length": 8,"type": "ChkString","contents": "Atunnel"}],

    "PackageDataEncode" :{"type": "aes192","password": "124578369"}

  Use PackageHeadFormat,PackageDataChkHeadFormat,PackageDataEncode to define your own Package Format...
 in SettingConfig's case, the Package Format will be like this
     | CN  | PackageSize | NY  | ChkStr1 | ChkStr2 | ChkStr3 | RealData |
     |2byte|    4byte    |2byte|  8byte  |  8byte  |  8byte  |     XX   |
 The contents of PackageDataChkHeadFormat and RealData will be crypt by the method and password your define in SettingConfig 's PackageDataEncode. You can, not only chanage the string ,frameset size or crypt method, but also can easyly change your own package format itself by just alter the SettingConfig.
     | PackageSize |ChkStr1 |RealData |
     |    4byte    | 8byte  |    XX   |	   
     | PackageDiff |RealData |
     |    >16byte  |    XX   |		 
Will alse work...

Attations: You are free to use these code, if you may,just let me know。 any help or advice will be appreciated

注意: 你可以自由使用这些代码,如果可以的话,请告诉我。 任何帮助或建议都将受到赞赏。