
An abstract machine for analyzing Racket bytecode.

Primary LanguageRacket

Abstract Machine for Racket Bytecode

This repository is a first pass at an abstract machine implementation for analyzing Racket bytecode. The current implemnetation is a concrete CESK machine that implements a subset of the Racket bytecode. (Basically, primitives, plus the core evaluation forms.)


The main source file for the CESK machine is the extended-eval.rkt file, which can be loaded into Racket REPL as:

(require "extended-eval.rkt")

The cesk procedure implements the CESK evaluator. The evaluator expects a transformed version of the byte code that can be produced by passing the quoted expression you wish to evaluate to racket-source->anormal-form. For instance, if we wanted to run the classic factorial of 5 program would could evaluate it as follows:

    '(letrec ([factorial
               (lambda (n)
                 (if (zero? n)
                     (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))])
       (factorial 5))))