
osm map viewing/editing software

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

To use mumpot:


These files contain configuration files, so that
mumpot loads tiles@home resp. mapnik tiles. 
If you start mumpot directly,
it will search in ~/.mumpot/map.conf
If that file does not exists, a dialog to let you choose
between the three maps.

If you want to use the place search box, generate the corresponding
text file first:
bzcat some_osm_dump.osm.bz2 | osm2places /dev/stdin >~/.mumpot/places.txt
This can even be the big planet.osm.bz2

Handling OSM vector data
You can load an OSM file in the project menu. It
may have been compressed with bzip2, but take
care of the memory usage of big files.
The other possibility is to download the OSM data
using the corresponding menu item in the project menu.
A bounding box is then constructed around your route
and the corresponding OSM data is downloaded.

The URL for the OSM API can be changed using
the OSMAPIURL environment variable. But that
should not be needed in normal operation.

Routing with osm data:
Select View->Mode->routing in the menu.
on the right side, you see three buttons.
With the first two ones you set the starting point
and the destination point for route planning.
For navigation, you use the third button and click on the
destination point. 
A line will be drawn from the nearest node
to the destination and is kept uptodate
when the map is scrolled (= you move around).

Editing OSM data:
Select View->Mode->live edit
To edit the tags of existing ways,
select OSM->Auto-select way in center
and OSM->Display tags
You have now a row with the tag
names and values.  After editing one tag,
click on set to save the changes.
The other possibility to edit OSM data
is to connect to a gps receiver and
click on the first button to start a
new way. Then you can select the highway
class.  When you reach the end of the way,
click on the end way button.
To immediately start a new way of the same type
(because e.g. the street name changes),
press the restart way button (3rd button in row).
The fourth button enables merging the ends
with existing ways. 
To insert POIs, you click in live edit mode to the
corresponding place on the map. A dialog will pop up in
which you can choose the POI type.

The editing mode gives three buttons on the right side.
The first one is for selecting and moving objects.
If you click on a OSM node or way, it will be selected.
If you hold down the button for more than 1 second on a node,
you can move the node. The second button draws
a new way. If a way is nearby, the new nodes
will be merged into it. To stop adding new nodes
to the new way, deselect the button (or select the first button).
  The third button deletes the selected
object. If it is a way, the nodes will be deleted, too,
if they do not belong to another way.
If you want to edit areas or OSM ways which are not roads,
then you have to select the menu item OSM->Display non-street-ways.
The join buttonmerges the selected node with the nearest way or node.
The split button splits every way going through the selected node.

You can save the OSM data to have a final look on it with
other editors, or save it as an OSMChange file so that
bulk uploaders can process it. 
Of course, also direct uploading is supported (when
libcurl is available).
The data is saved is a file named dump.osm in the
current directory when mumpot receives a SIGHUP
or is otherwise terminated with unsaved data.

POI file (tagpresets)
There is one tagpreset file included, but if you want to
change or extend it, here is the description of the format.

The file can contain 
nodepreset { <menudef> }
waypreset { <menudef> }

"menuname" = { <menudef> }

The latter can be used to define menus to be
used in multiple places.

<menudef> can contain the following lines
settag "<name>" "<value>"
for setting tags and/or
pos <x> <y> ["<name>"] [gfx "<pngfile>"] [append "<menuname>" ] { <menudef> }

<x> and <y> start counting at zero and can be used to group the entries
in one menu. <name> can also be enclosed with _("") to mark
it for translation. append "<menuname>" appends menuitems from a previously
defined menu.

settagedit "<name>" "<tagname>"
gives a text input
checkbox "<name>" "<tagname>" [yes "<yesvalue>"] [no "<novalue>"]
gives a checkbox input, <yesvalue> is the value for the tag when the box
is checked, <novalue> is the value for the tag when the box is not

To print an area, you select in the menu  Printing->mark page in scale .....
Then a rectangle appears which shows the borders of the area that would
fit on a page which can be fixed to an area by mouse clicks.
If you use the right mouse button, you will get landscape areas.
If you have marked all your pages, you can select Printing->print marked
pages and print it.

Mouse handling 

In the route planing mode, you can
draw lines on the map to mark your route.
You can add points to your route with the left
mouse button (or the touchscreen). With the shift button
remove the last point with the right button.
With the middle button, you set an endpoint, the
route will not be continued after that and
pressing the left button again will delete everything
in the current line layer.
If you have only a touchscreen you can move the finger
from right to left on the touchscreen to delete the last
point. Moving the finger from bottom to top will
delete everything on the current line layer. 
If you press the ctrl key while moving
the mouse along the line, you will see the distance.
The map can be centered by clicking
the right mouse button when holding the shift key.
With the shift key hold down,  you can also calculate
routes if there is vector data loaded. 
Click with the left button on the starting
point and when you still hold down the
shift key, a red line will follow through the
streets your mouse pointer, when you click on
a point again, the destination is set.

Mumpot can connect to gps receivers over bluetooth
(you can enter the bluetooth address directly and the 
channel, no need to create a serial device for the
bluetooth connection). You also can connect to serial
ports or to any source with streams NMEA data or gpx data
over tcp (the operation mode for connecting it to gpsd).
You can save the track in mumpot, simply select View->Select line layer->4
and select Project->save route