
ddc ctags completion

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ddc tags exec

It uses vim tags variable with list of tag files and queries it with supplied command to get list of tags for ddc menu.







Set up vim:

Plug 'akemrir/ddc-tags-exec'

With ugrep

call ddc#custom#patch_global('sources', ['tags-exec'])
call ddc#custom#patch_global('sourceParams', {
  \ 'tags-exec': {
  \   'maxSize': 100,
  \   'cmd': ['ug', '^{PLACEHOLDER}[_A-Za-z0-9-]*\t', '--color=never'],
  \   'appendTagFiles': v:true
  \ })

Ugrep also provides fuzzy matching with Levenstein algorithm. \ 'cmd': ['ug', '-Z3', '^{PLACEHOLDER}[_A-Za-z0-9-]*\t', '--color=never'],

To use with ddc fuzzy filter: https://github.com/tani/ddc-fuzzy

With ugrep but with splitting strategy

  \ 'tags-exec': {
  \   'maxSize': 30,
  \   'cmd': ['ug', '--bool', '^{PLACEHOLDER}[_A-Za-z0-9-]*\t', '--color=never'],
  \   'appendTagFiles': v:true,
  \   'splitByRegexp': '(?=[A-Z])|_',
  \   'splitUnionString': ' ',

Regexp: (?=[A-Z])|_ This strategy leverages split and join

PascalCasedText -> Pascal Cased Text require_relative -> require relative

Then it is used with ugrep --bool Bool makes this construction connected like with 'and'

Pascal and Cased and Text

ug --bool '^Pascal Cased Text[_A-Za-z0-9-]\t --color=never tags ug --bool '^require_relative[_A-Za-z0-9-]\t --color=never tags

With ripgrep

'cmd': ['rg', '^{PLACEHOLDER}[_A-Za-z0-9-]*\t', '--color', 'never', '-IN'],

Postgresql psql

'cmd': [
\  'psql', 'postgres://superuser:superuserpass@', '-c',
\  "\copy (select word, menu, 'empty' as empty, kind from tags where word LIKE '{PLACEHOLDER}%' order by word asc) to stdout"
'appendTagFiles': v:false