
A vim plugin to add commands for fzy inside of vim!

Primary LanguageVim script


A vim plugin to add commands for fzy inside of vim!


You know the drill, use your favorite vim package manager, vundle or pathogen, to add fzy-vim. dependant on fzy (obvs).


Fzy-vim doesn't come with any built in keybindings. To be honest it doesn't do much.


  • FzyLsAg - list files using the silversearcher, respects .gitignore and .agignore and open it in the current buffer.
  • FzyTag - list tags, open tag defintion in current buffer - a better :tselect.
  • FzyWorkingTree - list all currently modified files and open in current buffer.
  • FzyGem - list all gems, then list all files in the selected gem.
  • FzyBuffer - fzy select :ls

All of these commands, excluding FzyBuffer which is pending; have tab, vertical, and split variants; which start with either 'T', 'V', or 'S'; respectively. eg: FzyTag, TFzyTag, VFzyTag, SFzyTag


  • fzy#exectute(shell_command, vim_command) - shells out the command and pipes it's output back into the vim command, note shell_command must also include fzy eg: :call fzy#execute('ag -l -g "" --nocolor | fzy', 'edit') this is done so you can do further transformations with the output of fzy, before it's returned to vim.