
Role for Dokuwiki with letsencrypt and ngingx

MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A role that installs Dokuwiki for an nginx/letsencrypt setup.


  • LetsEncrypt
  • Nginx

Role Variables

  • dokuwiki_source Archive to grab the source code version. Defaults to the officiel latest stable release.

  • dokuwiki_install Installation mode, gives access to the /setup.php file for first time run. Defaults to true. Be sure to set it to false once installed.

  • dokuwiki_base Where to put Dokuwiki. Defaults to /var/www/dokuwiki.

  • dokuwiki_group Group for the Dokuwiki files. Defaults to www-data.

  • dokuwiki_user User for the Dokuwiki files. Defaults to dokuwiki.

  • nginx_server_name Host name for nginx. Defaults to dokuwiki.localhost.

  • nginx_filename Nginx fie name. Defaults to dokuwiki-{{ nginx_server_name }}

  • letsencrypt_wellknown Location of the letsencrypt .wellknown directory. Defaults to /var/www/letsencrypt.

  • letsencrypt_activate Activate the LetsEncrypt support

  • letsencrypt_https Serve HTTPS only once LetsEncrypt is ready.

  • letsencrypt_domain Name for the certificate to search for. Defaults to the nginx server name.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: MicroJoe.dokuwiki
      dokuwiki_install: false # Set to false for production
      nginx_server_name: wiki.example.com
      letsencrypt_activate: true
      letsencrypt_https: true
      letsencrypt_domain: tls.example.com
      tags: [dokuwiki]



Author Information

Romain Porte