
Financial Data Science Knowledge Repo! 这是一个开源财经数据科学知识库

Primary LanguagePython


这是一个关于财经数据科学知识的开源知识库,作者是 Albert King。 本知识库创建的主要目的是为了方便财经数据科学爱好者、数据科学家及相关人士查询相关的财经资料, 能够提高在财经数据科学领域的工作效率,也可以作为茶余饭后学习的园地。


The conda environment is provided as environment.yml. This environment is used for all testing by Github Actions and can be setup by:

  1. conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. conda activate akfds-dev


Run the following command in your terminal:

jb build akfds/

If you would like to work with a clean build, you can empty the build folder by running:

jb clean akfds/

If jupyter execution is cached, this command will not delete the cached folder.

To remove the build folder (including cached executables), you can run:

jb clean --all akfds/


This repository is published automatically to gh-pages upon push to the master branch.

ghp-import -n -p -f akfds/_build/html


This repository is used as a test case for jupyter-book and a requirements.txt file is provided to support this CI application.