
wizTurn Android SDK

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WizTurn Beacon SDK for Android

This SDK provides a simple, easy and useful toolkit to develop BLE related mobile applications. It makes developers to create an Android application communicating with peripherals(e.g. beacons) without delving into Android BLE or Bluetooth API in details. Only Android 4.3+ supported.


  • pebBLE, nimBLE property configuration
  • Scanning, connecting BLE devices

Android 4.3+ support

Where's the old sdk???

  • You can find the old version of WIZTURN SDK in the follow directory.

Quick Setup

1. Include library

  • Downlaod
  • Put the jar file in the libs sub directory of your Android project

2. Android Manifest

    <!-- Include following permission for allowing applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
    <!-- Include following permission for allowing applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>


All the classes you will need is as follows.

PeripheralListAdapter, CentralManager, PeripheralScanListener,  OnConnectListener, 
Peripheral, PeripheralAccessListener, PeripheralChangeEvent, BluetoothGattWriter

** Notice : Every method of CentralManager, BluetoothGattWriter must be called on Main UI Thread. Otherwise unexpected behavior takes place.**


Suppose you placed some beacons at specific and meaninful places to provide your own service. Your Android smartphone will scan every peripheral(beacon) sending advertisement packet around you. Just play with it just found.

1. Start scanning

A peripheral(e.g. beacon) which sends advertisement packet to the central(e.g. your Android phone) will be returned on PeripheralScanListener.onPeripheralScan(Central central, Peripheral peripheral) callback method. And you can play with the returned peripheral accordingly.

CentralManager centralManager = CentralManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
centralManager.setPeripheralScanListener(new PeripheralScanListener() {
	public void onPeripheralScan(Central central, final Peripheral peripheral) {
		// TODO do whatever you want with Peripheral(namely beaocn)
		peripheral.getBDAddress();	// gets Bluetooth Device address
		peripheral.getBDName();	// gets Bluetooth Device Name
		peripheral.getDistance();	// gets distance between peripheral and central device
		peripheral.getProximityUUID();	// gets uuid
		peripheral.getMajor();	// gets major id
		peripheral.getMinor();	// gets minor id
		peripheral.getBroadcastTime();	// gets broadcast time of the peripheral
		peripheral.getMeasuredPower();	// gets measured power in (dBm)
		peripheral.getProximity();	// gets proximity
		peripheral.getRssi();	// gets RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator) in (dBm)
// if bluetooth is disabled, then turn on before going further
if(!centralManager.isBluetoothEnabled()) {
    Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
	startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, 100);

2. Stop Scanning

To stop scanning, only call CentralManager.stopScanning() as follows.

CentralManager centralManager = CentralManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext());


Through connecting to a peripheral(e.g. beacon), you can change beacon properties, UUID, major id, minor id, txPower, time interval and so on. And keep in mind that only one single peripheral can be connected at a time. Multiple connection will fail.

1. Connecting

Having scanned some peripherals, connection to the found peripheral is now available.

CentralManager centralManager = CentralManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
// Use either connect() or connectWithDelay(). connectWithDelay() is recommended for safely connection
// centralManager.connect(peripheral, onConnectListener);
centralManager.connectWithDelay(peripheral, onConnectListener);

private OnConnectListener onConnectListener = new OnConnectListener() {
	public void onDisconnected(final Peripheral peripheral) {
        // TODO the peripheral is now disconnected, do whatever you want
	public void onError(final Peripheral peripheral) {
        // TODO connection to the peripheral has errors, do whatever you want
	public void onConnected(final Peripheral peripheral, 
        final boolean needAuthentication) {
		// TODO the peripheral is now connected, do whatever you want

2. Disconnecting

Disconnectin to a peripheral is very easy like below. Also keep in mind that disconnection must be perforemd after connecting to one of peripherals. Otherwise your Android bluetooth behaves unexpectedly.

CentralManager centralManager = CentralManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
if(centralManager.isConnected()) {
    // Use either disconnect() or disconnectWithDelay(). disconnectWithDelay() is recommended for safely disconnection.
    // centralManager.disconnect();

Changing properties of peripherals(beacons)

Changing peripheral properties(txPower, time interval, UUID, major id, minor id and so on) is little bit tricky than others. Suppose a peripheral is already connected and you want to change properties of it. Also Keep in mind that you only change a single property at a time. After changing is completed, change another property.

CentralManager centralManager = CentralManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
final BluetoothGattWriter writer = centralManager.getBluetoothGattWriter();
// Use either authenticate() or authenticateWithDelay(). authenticateWithDelay() is recommended for safely authencating.
// writer.authenticate("000000");
writer.authenticateWithDelay("000000"); // authenticates to the peripheral by password '000000'
private PeripheralAccessListener accessListener = new PeripheralAccessListener() {
    public void onChangingCompleted(final Peripheral peripheral, 
        final PeripheralChangeEvent event) {
        // TODO  one of peripheral properties successfuly completed. Do whatever you want.
        final int changeEvent = event.getEvent();
    	switch(changeEvent) {
		    case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_ADVERTISEMENT_INTERVAL:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_MAJOR:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_MINOR:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_PROXIMITY_UUID:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_TX_POWER:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_PASSWORD:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_UNKNWON:
	public void onChangingFailed(final Peripheral peripheral, 
        final PeripheralChangeEvent event) {
        // TODO changing one of peripheral properties failed. Do whatever you want.
        final int changeEvent = event.getEvent();
    	switch(changeEvent) {
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_ADVERTISEMENT_INTERVAL:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_MAJOR:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_MINOR:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_PROXIMITY_UUID:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_TX_POWER:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_PASSWORD:
			case PeripheralChangeEvent.CHANGE_UNKNWON:
	public void onPasswordChangingCompleted(final Peripheral peripheral) {
	    // This callback method is deprecated. Instead make use of onChangingCompleted()
        // TODO chaing password completed successfuly. Do whatever you want
	public void onPasswordChangingFailed(final Peripheral peripheral) {
	    // This callback method is deprecated. Instead make use of onChangingFailed()
        // TODO changing password failed. Do whatever you want
	public void onAuthenticatingCompleted(final Peripheral peripheral) {
        // TODO authentication is successfuly completed. Do whatever you want
        // Either use changeMajor() or changeMajorWithDelay(). changeMajorWithDelay() is recommended for safely changing properties
        // writer.changeMajor(100);    // changes major id
	public void onAuthenticatingFailed(final Peripheral peripheral) {
		// TODO authentication failed. Do whatever you want