
A simple, header-only, high-resolution timer for Windows and Linux.

Primary LanguageC++


This project is a cross-platform C++ high-performance timer.

It can be used to time code with high resolution (~1.5 usecs). This is useful for things like performance characterization or manual profiling. It can also be used to regulate game loops and other frequency-based events.

There is a C++98 version (Linux / Windows) as well as a standard C++11 version.

Add to your project

This is a header-only project. You can simply download and include PerformanceTimer98.hpp.

It also comes with a simple CMake script that creates a target. If you prefer this, download the directory and add it in your own project's CMake script with add_subdirectory(PerformanceTimer98). Then you can add it to executables or libraries with target_link_libraries(<YourExec> PerformanceTimer98).

The license is BSD 3-clause. The license text is in the header file itself.

How to use

Performance Measurement

PerformanceTimer98 timer;
timer.Start();  // Mark the start time.

timer.Stop();  // Mark the stop time.
std::cout << "Elapsed time in milliseconds: " << timer.GetElapsed() << std::endl;

Game Loop

PerformanceTimer98 timer;
timer.SetInterval(60);  // 60 FPS.


while (true)

    for (timer.Stop(); !timer.IntervalHasElapsed(); timer.Stop())
        if (timer.GetRemaining() > 1)  // See note.

Note: Busy looping does consume CPU resources. You can execute std::this_thread::yield() to reduce CPU resource usage. However, this makes loop regulation less accurate, as the wait time before your process is scheduled again can vary and might be significant on this time scale. Try yielding until a small amount of time is left (1 ms in this example, but you'll have to tune it for yourself) before switching to a busy loop.

Note: Calling Stop() doesn't "stop" the timer--it merely records the current time as the stop time. So it's ok to call Stop() multiple times, because the elapsed time is measured from Start() to the most recent Stop().

Cross-platform issues

The C++11 standard introduced std::chrono::high_performance_timer. In the MSVC standard implementation, high_performance_timer is a type alias of steady_clock. After doing some testing, I discovered that the C++98 version, which uses QueryPerformanceCounter, is higher resolution than high_performance_timer on my Windows system. On Ubuntu, both versions performed about the same.

Therefore, if high-performance timing is required, you should test both versions to discover which one has the better resolution. For Windows, this is probably the C++98 version. If you are less concerned about resolution and just want a standard implementation, go with the C++11 version.