
Intel preset

Hydra-Spectre opened this issue · 1 comments

Taken from: https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/CRT-Royale
"In particular, Intel iGPUs will struggle to run the shader and some may not even run in some cases. The author provided a preset for Intel users that compromises some functionality for compatibility."

I noticed that this ReShade port of CRT-Royale does not have the budget Intel preset. Can you please provide a ReShade version of this Intel preset for people who have integrated GPUs like me?
Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the extremely late reply.

I do plan on recreating those budget controls, but it's kind of a lower priority right now due to the sheer complexity of that task. Those configs were actually a large part of why crt-royale was so impenetrable in the first place, and I don't want this port to suffer the same fate.

In the meantime, what CPU are you trying to run on; and have you tried using the shader as-is yet? I've been coding on an i5-3320M for the past few days, and it's running the shader on top of Snes9X without any trouble.

My experience so far has been that it depends more on how well your machine can handle the base application. For example the laptop I'm using now can run it on Snes9X, while my desktop has framerate problems when running it on Doom Eternal.