
An object-oriented system might use an abstract base class to provide
a common and standardized interface appropriate for all the external applications.

Upcasting :

Upcasting is converting a derived-class reference or pointer to a base-class.
In other words, upcasting allows us to treat a derived type as though it were its base type.
It is always allowed for public inheritance, without an explicit type cast. 
This is a result of the is-a relationship between the base and derived classes.
class Parent {
  void sleep() {}

class Child: public Parent {
  void gotoSchool(){}

int main( ) 
  Parent parent;
  Child child;

  // upcast - implicit type cast allowed
  Parent *pParent = &child; 

  // downcast - explicit type case required 
  Child *pChild =  (Child *) &parent;

  pParent -> sleep();
  pChild -> gotoSchool();
  return 0; 
#define RESET   "\033[0m"
#define BLACK   "\033[30m"      /* Black */
#define RED     "\033[31m"      /* Red */
#define GREEN   "\033[32m"      /* Green */
#define YELLOW  "\033[33m"      /* Yellow */
#define BLUE    "\033[34m"      /* Blue */
#define MAGENTA "\033[35m"      /* Magenta */
#define CYAN    "\033[36m"      /* Cyan */
#define WHITE   "\033[37m"      /* White */
#define BOLDBLACK   "\033[1m\033[30m"      /* Bold Black */
#define BOLDRED     "\033[1m\033[31m"      /* Bold Red */
#define BOLDGREEN   "\033[1m\033[32m"      /* Bold Green */
#define BOLDYELLOW  "\033[1m\033[33m"      /* Bold Yellow */
#define BOLDBLUE    "\033[1m\033[34m"      /* Bold Blue */
#define BOLDMAGENTA "\033[1m\033[35m"      /* Bold Magenta */
#define BOLDCYAN    "\033[1m\033[36m"      /* Bold Cyan */
#define BOLDWHITE   "\033[1m\033[37m"      /* Bold White */

NULL vs nullptr

nullptr is a keyword that represents zero as an address (its type is considered a pointer-type),
while NULL is the value zero as an int. If you're writing something where you're referring to the zero address,
rather than the value zero, you should use nullptr 


Exception handling provides a mechanism to decouple handling of errors or other exceptional circumstances
from the typical control flow of your code. Using return codes causes your control flow and error flow
to be intermingled, constraining both.
Exceptions in C++ are implemented using three keywords that work in conjunction with each other: throw, try,
and catch. The exception caused the execution path to jump immediately to the exception handler.
try : Look for exceptions that occur within try block and route to attached catch block(s).


virtual const char* what() const throw():

throw() means that you promise to the compiler that this function will never allow an exception to be emitted. 
This is called an exception specification, and (long story short) is useless and possibly misleading.

click here.

Type Casting !

  1. const_cast :
//Undefined behavior to modify a value which is initially declared as const. 
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int fun(int* ptr)
  *ptr += 10;
	return (*ptr);

int main(void)
	const int val = 10;
	const int *ptr = &val;
	int *ptr1 = (int *)(ptr);
	cout << fun(ptr1) << endl;
   cout <<"val "<< val << "&var " << &val << endl;
     cout << "*ptr " << *ptr << "ptr " << ptr << endl;
	return 0;
//val 10 &var 0x7ffe87171804
//*ptr 20 ptr 0x7ffe87171804
  1. static_cast :

Make existing code run faster, with compiler optimizations :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U161zVjv1rs https://www.commandlinux.com/man-page/man1/time.1.html

typeid operator :



#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
struct A {
    virtual ~A() {}
struct B : A {};
struct C : A {};
int main()
    std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::string> type_names;
    type_names[std::type_index(typeid(int))] = "int";
    type_names[std::type_index(typeid(double))] = "double";
    type_names[std::type_index(typeid(A))] = "A";
    type_names[std::type_index(typeid(B))] = "B";
    type_names[std::type_index(typeid(C))] = "C";
    int i;
    double d;
    A a;
    // note that we're storing pointer to type A
    std::unique_ptr<A> b(new B);
    std::unique_ptr<A> c(new C);
    std::cout << "i is " << type_names[std::type_index(typeid(i))] << '\n';
    std::cout << "d is " << type_names[std::type_index(typeid(d))] << '\n';
    std::cout << "a is " << type_names[std::type_index(typeid(a))] << '\n';
    std::cout << "*b is " << type_names[std::type_index(typeid(*b))] << '\n';
    std::cout << "*c is " << type_names[std::type_index(typeid(*c))] << '\n';


Dynamic Cast: A cast is an operator that converts data from one type to another type. 
In C++, dynamic casting is mainly used for safe downcasting at run time. 
To work on dynamic_cast there must be one virtual function in the base class.
A dynamic_cast works only polymorphic base class because it uses this information to decide safe downcasting.
A container is a holder object that stores a collection of other objects (its elements).
They are implemented as class templates, which allows great flexibility in the types supported as elements. 
The container manages the storage space for its elements and provides member functions to access them, 
either directly or through iterators (reference objects with similar properties to pointers).