
Simple Ansible Role to create an Inventory file containing details of your target systems.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This role is used to create inventory file from the list of target nodes. Which can be directly imported into Xcel Sheets. Contains the details of the form:

alt text


  • We need Ansible software to be installed in order to use these role, means Role can be run from any machine that have Ansible installed on.

Here are the steps to install the Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible  
sudo apt-get update  
sudo apt-get install -y ansible
  • Requires 'gather_facts' to be set to 'yes' to collect the various facts about the system for generating the inventory.

Role Variables

  • Specify the location where to create the inventory file.

    inventory_location: /data
  • Specify the name of the inventory file to be created

    inventory_filename: Inventory

Example Playbook

Sample playbook leveraging this role:

- hosts: "{{ host_name }}"
	  gather_facts: yes
  	  become: true
	  tags: inventory
  	    - inventory_location: /data
          inventory_filename: Inventory
  	    - Create_Inventory_with_Ansible





Author Information

Amaan Khan
Email: Amaan.ngp@gmail.com
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amaan-khan-linux-ninja/
Twitter: @Amaankhan4you