
publish/consume amqp messages in JSON format

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package provides two CLI tools for interacting with a RabbitMQ server. You can consume (export) data from queues and/or exchanges into JSON. Also you can then publish (import) that JSON data.

When installed globally, the tools are exposed as amqp-consume and amqp-publish.

This application uses rc so you can save options. The most useful option would be your AMQP connection url. For example, you can create the file $HOME/.amqp-toolsrc with the content:


The rest of this README is just the output from using the tools with --help.



Consumes AMQP messages from Queues and Exchange+RoutingKey


amqp-consume [options] specification [specification...]

specification := queue|binding binding := exchange "/" route ("/" route)*


-u, --url string URL of AMQP server -x, --max number maximum messages to consume --min number require minimum messages available to consume -i, --indentation number JSON output indentation -a, --ack acknowledge consumed messages -v, --verbose turn volume up to 11 -h, --help show help


The output is a stream of JSON data, or an array of messages when indentation is used. The JSON data matches the output of amqplib, with some added friendly conversion of binary data and, when contentType is 'application/json', JSON parsing.


$ amqp-consume -x 10 -a my-queue

Consume and acknowledge 10 messages from queue named 'my-queue'.

$ amqp-consume amq.topic/# My-Exchange/my.routing.key my-queue

Consume all messages from exchange 'amq.topic', messages from exchange 'My- Exchange' matching the routing key 'my.routing.key', and also messages from queue named 'my-queue'. (Stop consuming on interrupt.)



Publish JSON-based AMQP messages from STDIN (see amqp-consume) By default, published to original exchange+route from metadata, and additionally to specified queues or exchange+route


amqp-publish [options] [specification...]


specification := queue|binding binding := exchange "/" route ("/" route)*


-u, --url string URL of AMQP server -n, --nometa ignore metadata when publishing (requires specs) -q, --queue use queue -- not exchange/route -- from metadata -v, --verbose turn volume up to 11 -h, --help show help


$ amqp-publish < saved-messages.json

Publish the saved messages to the exchange as they were consumed from, using the same routing key.

$ amqp-publish -n amq.topic/my.topic.routing.key < saved-messages.json

Ignore original message metadata, instead publish to exchange 'amq.topic' with routing key 'my.topic.routing.key'.

$ amqp-publish -q < saved-messages.json

Publish the saved messages directly to the same queue they were consumed from.

$ amqp-publish amq.topic/route.one/route.two < saved-messages.json

Publish the saved messages to original exchange+route, but additionally to exchange 'amq.topic' using both 'route.one' and 'route.two' routing keys.