
Customizeable workflow for batching multiple snakebids apps or bids apps

Primary LanguagePython


Customizeable batch submit workflow. Runs each subject/session as a separate job, optionally writing output to a temp directory (e.g. $SLURM_TMPDIR) through the use of shadow rule & shadow-prefix.

TODO: instructions below are from batch-snakedwi - needs updating..


  • BIDS dataset(s) that also includes a .pybids folder (which can be created with pybidsdb)
  • Virtual environment with snakemake and snakebids activated (can use source $SNAKEMAKE_VENV_DIR/activate if using khanlab neuroglia-helpers)
  • A cluster profile to submit the jobs, e.g. cc-slurm
  • Container dependencies downloaded already to a --singularity-prefix folder (note: default is /project/6050199/akhanf/singularity/snakemake_containers/)


  1. Clone this repository

  2. Edit the config/config.yml file to customize your run options.

Describe sections of each config:



defaults: #sets global options

  • tag: this is the tag, branch, or commit to use for the app
  • opts: this defines the CLI options for the app
  • resources: this defines how much resources each session is allocated when submitting jobs
  1. Run the workflow using the CLI as a dry-run:
./run.py <PATH_TO_BIDS> <PATH_TO_OUTPUT> participant -np
  1. If you want to restrict by participants or sessions, can use --participant-label, --exclude-participant-label, or --filter-dwi session=SESSION_TO_FILTER, e.g.:

  2. Run all the jobs using a cluster profile, e.g.

./run.py <PATH_TO_BIDS> <PATH_TO_OUTPUT> participant -np --profile cc-slurm --immediate-submit --notemp 


  • The workflow only includes sessions where both dwi and t1 exist (by taking an intersection of those lists)
  • Only runs that completed successfully will have any outputs retained. For those that failed you will need to inspect the slurm logs.
  • The work subfolder will not be retained at all, if you need this, you can add it to the root_folders: list in the config
  • It is generally OK to use immediate-submit for this workflow, since it does not have multiple layers of dependent rules. Furthermore, the --notemp option does not get propagated to the snakemake call used to run the app on each subject/session.
  • With the latest version of Snakemake, the --slurm option can be used to submit jobs instead of --profile cc-slurm. This will work for jobs without GPUs, however, some additional logic will need to be added to this workflow to support this option with GPUs (coming soon).