Terms of usage (including forks):

This repository contains Fink package descriptions which are not in the Fink distribution for various reasons, including:

  1. I don't maintain the package, but I've got an updated version.
  2. I'm the maintainer, but the package isn't ready for addition to the distribution yet for various reasons.
  3. Packages that can't be in Fink for various reasons, such as licensing, incompatibility with our build process, etc.
  4. Package templates
  • These items may be used in individuals' local Fink trees, or as the basis for packaging in other systems or for manual builds.
  • Package descriptions in category 1 may be added to Fink with the permission of their maintainer, or by another party if the package is unmaintained.
  • Package descriptions in category 2 may NOT be added to Fink by another party unless I give my expressed permission to do so.
  • Package descriptions in category 3 may NOT be added to Fink.
  • Package descriptions in category 4 aren't actually usable packages.