Finding a compatible partner using modern dating apps is easier than ever. However, creating an original and enjoyable date night is becoming more and more difficult given the overwhelming choice of restaurant, movie and activity options available to people through apps such as Yelp and Eventbrite. Lazy Date aims to solve this dilemma by providing our users a customized and tailored date experience. By removing the stress of decision making we allow you to focus on the more enjoyable aspects of your night out.
Upon registration, Lazy Date will allow users to complete a personal romantic preferences profile. For each date experience, the user will provide information on their date partner, as well as details such as ideal geographical location for their date and overall budget. The app will process this data to create a unique itinerary. The app will initially integrate with Yelp and Eventbrite in order to provide a wide range of excellent activity choices. After the date, users will have the ability to rate their overall date experience, as well as each individual activity. If both date partners have accounts on the Lazy Date platform, we will incorporate their profile data to provide a more precise experience.
Lazy Date is primarily built with the MERN stack, a combination of following four technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.
Lazy Date is primarily built with the MERN stack, a combination of the following four technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.
- Refine search algorithm
- Add Eventbrite API and Google maps API
- Allow existing users to initiate a joint date generation