
A bookmark plugin for TiddlyWiki that allow you to simply copy/paste a URL and it will get the website title, create a Tiddler for you with a screenshot (if you want)


A TiddlyWiki bookmarking plugin that has for goal to create a Bookmark Tiddler by simply copy/paste the URL in a textbox


  • Create tiddler by copy / paste of a URL
  • Can include a screenshot for the webpage thanks to https://apiflash.com/ API (get your API key for free)

Change log

2020-04-26: v0.0.4

  • added URL encoding as per herokuapp.com api documentation
  • tagged New Bookmark as $:/tags/SideBar to make it show as per Mohammad Suggestion 2020-04-25: v0.0.2 initial release


Download the JSON file and drag/drop it in your TiddlyWiki


  1. Go to your New Bookmark Tiddler
  2. Paster the URL you want to bookmark including http(s)://
  3. Select include a screenshot if you want
  4. add your apiflash.com API key for screenshot processing
  5. click on Create Bookmark





I am totally new to all this so take everything with a grain of salt :)