
Use cases

One time collective effort

Yurii with several friends wants to charter a yacht to enjoy their vacation in Mediterranian

Вони хочуть впевнитись, що зібраних грошей вистачає на оплату чартера, залог, і корабельну касу.

Впевнились, що зібрали потрібну суму, авторизували витрати по пунктам, отримали задоволення від відпочинку, закрили проект.

Recurring effort / Patreon

Volodymyr and Dmytro run a small team aimed to translate libertarian articles. They ask for a regular donations. The outcome of their efforts are translations of articles, published periodically.

One-time or recurring payments. Patrons may or may not vote on priorities.


AKA Investment club AKA Pooling funds to make an investment

Jason with his friends want to pool funds to purchase some real estate. They'd like it to be geographically diversified to minimize country risks.

Each investment is proposed, discussed, and voted on with a stake. An investment manager is appointed, who will manage the legal/fiat interface. He has to put a collateral, that's larger than an amount of the proposed investment. He earns a management fee.

The decision to make an investment may be decided by vote. Or each invests just from his own stake.

Credit union

Anita with coworkers wants to pool funds to provide collateral for DeFi collateralized loans (like Dharma or Compound). Only members would be able to use this pool. Members would vote on each case with their stake. Only those, who voted for will receive the additional commission. When borrower returns the loan in full and on time, she earns a non-transferable reputation.

Insurance fund

Drivers want to unite agains patrol police tyrany and decide to create insurance fund.

There are two main roles: insured drivers and investors.

Drivers pay the cost of the insurance and may submit a claim.

Investors pool the money to achieve necessary reserve on the insurances sold. Investors also elect claim examiners, decide how to invest the collected funds, and govern the fund in other ways.

Fund has an end of life moment, when it closes and distributes the insurance premiums to its investors. Investor's share in the fund is a tradeable token.

Insurance payments and investments are collected and paid out in DAI.

Rational behaviour for investors would be to systematically reduce the insured risks.


  • Reserve amount
  • Lifetime
  • Can the claim be submitted for more than once

Drivers can:

  • create insurance
  • view insurance
  • pay insurance
  • submit claim

Investors can:

  • invest into the insurance pool
  • vote on claims

Both drivers and investors can:

  • discuss claims




Inflation paid

Network of markets

42 Coffee Cups, a distributed software development company, desired to further decentralize it's operations by opening her internal processes and markets to qualified professionals. This would require creating several autonomous suborganizations, focused on different stages of pipeline (marketing, sales, qualification, planning and estimation, devops), working on a censorship-resistant, privacy-focused, fast and cheap technology stack, supplemented with sufficient liquidity on each stage.