
Typesafe decoders

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This module allows you to check if an unknown javascript value conforms to a value of a known type.


npm i --save typed-decoders


You might receive a javascript object from a server that represents a library resource:

import { Decoders as D, runDecoder, isSuccess, GetType } from './index';

const PersonDecoder = D.obj({
  id: D.Num,
  firstName: D.Str,
  lastName: D.Str,
  dateOfBirth: D.StrDate

const ResourceDecoder = D.obj({
  id: D.Num,
  type: D.Some(D.Lit("book"), D.Lit("blueray"), D.Lit("dvd")),
  name: D.Str,
  reservedBy: PersonDecoder

With ResourceDecoder you can assure that an object received from the server is valid.

const result = runDecoder(ResourceDecoder, valueFromServer);
if (isSuccess(result)) {
  // value was decoded succesfully (result.value has the actual value)

The type can be inferred directly from the decoders:

type Resource = GetType<typeof ResourceDecoder>

The inferred type for Resource is:

type Resource = {
    id: number;
    type: "book" | "blueray" | "dvd";
    name: string;
    reservedBy: {
      id: number;
      firstName: string;
      lastName: string;
      dateOfBirth: Date;

This is very useful, because you don't have to write the types manually.

You can easily form different kind of types. For example a tagged unions:

const SuccessD = D.Obj({
  kind: D.Lit("success"),
  value: D.Num

const FailureD = D.Obj({
  kind: D.Lit("failure"),
  error: D.Str

const ResultD = D.Some(SuccessD, FailureD);

type Result = GetType<typeof ResultD>;

The inferred type for Result is:

type Result = {
    kind: "success";
    value: number;
} | {
    kind: "failure";
    error: string;

This module offers following decoders

  • Fail Accepts never (always fails).
  • Succeed Accepts always and returns a fixed value.
  • Lit Accepts literal value
  • Str Accepts string
  • Bool Accepts boolean value
  • Num Accepts number value
  • StrNum Accepts a string that can be converted to number
  • Undef Accepts undefined value
  • Date Accepts Date instance value
  • StrDate Accepts a string that can be converted to a Date
  • Null Accepts null value
  • Pass Accepts anything, but decode result type is still unknown
  • Opt Converts decoder to accept also undefined/null values
  • Obj Create a decoder that accepts an object. Each field is given an own decoder
  • Rec Create a decoder that accepts a record (an object with string keys and all field values of same type)
  • Part Create a decoder that accepts an object with each field optional (partial object). Each field is given an own decoder
  • Arr Creates a decoder that accepts an Array. Each item of an array is decoded with same decoder
  • Some Creates a decoder that accepts multiple different decodings.
  • Map Creates a decoder that accepts multiple types, but converts them all to a single type.
  • Every Creates a decoder that decodes value with multiple object types and combines them.
  • Def Converts a decoder to a decoder with a default value.

Examples for the more complex decoders


An array of key-value pairs

const KeyValuesDecoder = D.Arr(D.Obj({
  key: D.Str,
  value: D.Num


With select you can make multiple type decoders to converge to one type of decoder.

For example to convert numbers, strings, booleans to strings use the following:

const MySelectDecoder = D.Select(
  [D.Num, (v: number) => `number ${v}`],
  [D.Str, (v: string) => `string ${v}`],
  [D.Bool, (v: boolean) => `boolean ${v}`],
type MySelect = GetType<typeof MySelectDecoder>

MySelectDecoder will fail if you give it a value of some other type than the three mentioned above.

If you want to make it to accept all types, you could for example add the following as the last parameter [D.Pass, (v: unknown) =>`unknown \${v}`]


With Map you can combine one or more decoders to return another type of decoder.

Fo example if you have couple of decoders and you would like to combine them to a cleaner structure:

const CarDecoder = D.Obj({
  _brand: D.Some(D.Lit("bmw"), D.Lit("toyota"), D.Lit("volvo")),
  _model: D.Str

const PricedDecoder = D.Obj({
  _price: D.Num

const MyCarDecoder = D.Map((c, p) => ({
  brand: c._brand,
  model: c._model,
  price: p._price
}), CarDecoder, PricedDecoder)

type MyCar = GetType<typeof MyCarDecoder>;

The inferred type for MyCar is

type MyCar = {
  brand: "bmw" | "toyota" | "volvo";
  model: string;
  price: number;

Running the decoder

When you have a decoder, you can run it with runDecoder-function.

function runDecoder<S, T>(decoder: Transform<T>, value: unknown): Result<T>;

It basically just initializes the decode context and calls the .

If you prefer exceptions instead of returning a success/failure (Result), you can use runDecoderE. It will throw an error if the value isn't of correct type.