
This is the continuation of GraphQL-Relay-part1. A GraphQL server implementing a tiny example schema, and a transpiler that you can use to get started building an app with Relay which is built for both query and mutation.

Please import the file Bookstore.sql.

$ mysql -u root -p Bookstore < path / to / graphql_relay_starter / Bookstore.sql


$  path / to / graphql-relay-part1 / npm install


Start a local server:

$  path / to / graphql-relay-part1 / npm start


Any changes you make to files in the js/ directory will cause the server to automatically rebuild the app and refresh your browser.

If at any time you make changes to data/schema.js, stop the server, regenerate data/schema.json, and restart the server:

npm run update-schema
npm start
  1. Open browser localhost. Please mind the username and password for MySQL database of your local system.
  2. Fill the Quantity field and check the Orders table of Bookstore database.