
Repository for managing goals of learning programming for 100 Days.

100DaysOfCode Journey Documentation.

My Goal is to document my #100DaysOfCode Journey along with the Daily Tweets.

I will put up the Date, Day, What all I learnt and plan for the next day. I tweet everyday on my progress, you can find at @akhileshk_.

Day 1 22/04/2020

Day 1/100 #100DaysOfCode


  1. Development Setup Automation
  2. ES6 from Freecodecamp.org
  3. Flutter Sign in page UI Design for MetaX App.

Tomorrow's plan:

  1. Connect with Firebase
  2. Regex and Debugging JS.
  3. CPP STL Recap.

Day 2 23/04/2020

Day 2/100 #100DaysOfCode

  1. Connected login UI with Firebase
  2. Completed ES6, Started Regex in JS
  3. STL-Vectors

Tomorrow's plan:

  1. Completing Authentication
  2. Debugging JS.
  3. Sorting Algorithms