
Submission repository for infeedo task

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task Management and tracking System (Infeedo task)

This project is a Task Management System built using Node.js and a SQL database. It provides a set of CRUD APIs for managing tasks, as well as an API to get task metrics.

Project structure

  • infeedo_task/
    • src/
      • controllers/
        • taskController.js
      • models/
        • Task.js
      • routes/
        • taskRoutes.js
      • services/
        • taskService.js
      • database/
        • db.js
    • tests/
      • taskRoutes.test.js
    • node_modules/
    • package.json
    • app.js
    • README.md
    • .gitignore


  1. API to create a new task.
  2. API to update an existing task.
  3. API to get a paginated list of all tasks.
  4. API to get task metrics including open tasks, in-progress tasks, and completed tasks.
  5. Swagger documentation for easy API reference.
  6. Bulk load random tasks for testing purposes. (See utils/loadTasks.js)
  7. Dockerise the source code to run as a docker image.


Docker running in the workstation OR having Node + Sqlite installed in the machine.


Running with Docker

Build the docker image. Run the below command in the project directory:

docker build -t infeedo_task .

Run the docker image:

docker run -p 3000:3000 infeedo_task

Running without Docker

Install the dependencies:

yarn install

Start the development server:

yarn start

Verify the server has started, you should see the below message on the terminal.

Server is running on port 3000

Youn can access the APIs on http://localhost:3000/

API Documentation

Swagger UI is available at http://localhost:3000/api-docs/