
A*, BFS, DFS algorithms to solve a maze. Local search algorithm to find a hard maze to solve.

Primary LanguagePython


We generate a random maze, and use A*, BFS and DFS algorithms to solve it. Next, we use local search algorithm of random walk to find a maze that is difficult to be solved by A*, BFS and DFS.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the application

For help on input:

python main.py -h

For generating an easy maze:

python3 main.py -d 20 -p 0.2 -type easy -solver ase

For generating a hard maze:

python3 main.py -d 20 -p 0.2 -type hard -solver ase -step 800 -diff 2 -iters 5000

For visualization:

python q2.py

Runtime Parameters

  • -h, --help : Show help message and exit
  • -d : maze of dimension (dim, dim)
  • -p : probability of each cell being a blocked cell
  • -type <easy/hard> : easy/hard maze
  • -solver <bfs/dfs/ase/asm> : solver from a set of solvers of {dfs, bfs, ase, asm} ase - A* with Manhattan Distance, asm - A* with Euclidean Distance
  • -step : set a value of step to generate a hard maze.
  • -diff : set a % threshold difference value to generate a hard maze.
  • -iters : set the maximum number of iterations of hill climbing to generate a hard maze.

Sample Visualizations

A hard maze found using local search for A* with Euclidean distance.

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A hard maze found using local search for BFS.

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A hard maze found using local search for DFS.

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  • Kunal Shah
  • Vedang Mehta
  • Nick Romanov