
API to generate reports of uptime/downtime for stores based on active/inactive polling data.

Primary LanguagePython

Store Monitoring API


The easiest way to run this locally is by using docker-compose

  • Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:officialakhil/store_monitoring.git
  • Change directory to the project
cd store_monitoring
  • Run using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
  • After everything is up, run a seed script to insert data into postgresql the first time
docker exec -it store_monitoring-backend_1 python scripts/seed.py

The docker-compose mainly spins up 5 containers:

  • Redis ( shared between backend and arq worker )
  • Postgresql ( shared between backend and arq worker )
  • Backend ( a FastAPI application )
  • Arq worker ( a worker node for async redis queue )
  • Frontend ( a React app )

Triggering a report generation adds a task into the redis queue which is processed by the worker node as soon as it can. The results are written back to redis ( progress, status etc ) and generated reports are currently saved in a folder locally (should probably move to something like S3 later on)

Test it

You can visit http://localhost:3000/ for a simple UI for playing with the report generation api. Or you can use curl

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/v1/reports/trigger_report | jq

Sample output:

  "message": "Report triggered",
  "task_id": "7995cd0aafa945c29521e8a27a2859fa"

Check status of the task

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/reports/get_report?report_id=7995cd0aafa945c29521e8a27a2859fa | jq 

Sample output:

  "message": "Report in progress",
  "report_id": "7995cd0aafa945c29521e8a27a2859fa",
  "stores_processed": 5467,
  "total_stores": 14092

The same endpoint gives a text/csv instead of application/json if report generation is complete.
