Self-adjusting roadmaps for unknown environments

Following are the instructions to run the code:
  • In the terminal where you can run python scripts go to the directory where the above files are located
  • Make sure you have numpy installed. help
  • For running the main code: Type: $ python
  • Follow the input instructions that will appear once the scripts are executed.
Sample input test cases:

Initial position (x y): -2 -2 Initial Orientation (in degrees): 30 Target position (x y): 4 4 Clearance required (in meters, recommended: 0 to 0.35m): 0

Initial position (x y): -2.54 -3 Initial Orientation (in degrees): 20 Target position (x y): 4 4 Clearance required (in meters, recommended: 0 to 0.35m): 0

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