
Validation package for react, inspired by laravel validation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Validator

Validation package for react, inspired by laravel validation.

Getting Started

Install it using the npm package manager.

npm install validator-react

Usage Example

import validate from 'validator-react';

const rules = [
    field: 'email',
    validations: ['required', 'email'],
    name: 'User email' // used to show in error message
    field: 'password',
    validations: ['required', 'password', 'confirm', 'digit:10'],
    name: 'Password' // used to show in error message

class Login extends Component {
  state = {
    errors: {},
    isValidForm: true,
    formFields: {
      emai: '',
      password: ''
  _validate() {
    const { formFields } = this.state;
    const { isValid, errors } = validate(formFields, rules);
    this.setState(() => ({ errors, isValidForm: isValid }));
    return isValid;

Available rules

  • required field must not be empty or null or undefined.

  • numeric field must be a numeric value.

  • email field must be a valid email address.

  • digit example - digit:10 field must be digit with fixed length of 10.

  • url field must be a valid url.

  • password field must conatain 8-14 characters and atleast one capital character and one digit.

  • confirm field must me equals to the fieldComfirm field. example -

  field: 'password',
  validations: ['required', 'password', 'confirm', 'digit:10'],
  name: 'Password' // used to show in error message

then in the formFields there must me a field named passwordConfirm field which holds the same value as password.

  • min example - min:10 field must hold the length greater than or equal to 10 characters.

  • max example - max:10 field must hold the length less than or equal to 10 characters.
