
This custom element allows users to jump to local IDE code directly from browser element by just a simple click. It supports Rails templates.



In config/environments/development.rb:

config.action_view.annotate_rendered_view_with_filenames = true

In app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- ... -->

<%= yield %>

<% if Rails.env.development? %>
  <script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@aki77/rails-template-inspector@^0.5.0"></script>
  <rails-inspector url-prefix="vscode://file" root="<%= Rails.root %>" combo-key="command-shift-v"></rails-inspector>

  Keep the inspector when you open the editor.
  <rails-inspector url-prefix="vscode://file" root="<%= Rails.root %>" combo-key="command-shift-v" no-auto-disable></rails-inspector>
<% end %>


  • url-prefix: Custom URL Scheme for editor. (default: vscode://file)
    • Examples
      • Visual Studio Code: vscode://file
      • RubyMine: x-mine://open?file=
      • MacVIM: mvim://open?url=file://
      • Emacs: emacs://open?url=file://
  • combo-key: Key to toggle inspector. (default: meta-shift-v)
    • any number of modifiers control, shift, alt, meta, command followed by zero or one regular key, separated by -.
    • examples: control-shift, control-o, control-alt-s, meta-x, control-meta
  • root: Rails root dir. (default: /)
  • no-auto-disable: Keep the inspector when you open the editor. (default: false)


Disable confirmation dialog when opening external apps from Chrome on mac.

defaults write com.google.Chrome URLAllowlist -array "vscode://*"
