Database Term Project

This is the term project of Level 2 term 2. This is a project that can support a bus management system of the cities. Here there is a system admin panel, company panel, user panel. They have different functionalities.


Functionalities of different client side:

  • Admin:
    • Can create a route.
    • Can create a location.
    • Update an existing route.(change the fare from one location to another)
    • Approve a company to the system.
  • Company Owner:
    • Register a company.
    • Add a bus to the system.
    • Create a schedule for the buses. (which bus will operate on which route)
    • approve bus driver for the owned bus on a given date.
  • Driver:
    • Register as a bus driver.
    • request for driving a bus for next couple of days.
    • Update the location of the bus currently driving. (Now it is done using web gui. but in future this will be done by ajax function)
  • User:
    • Request for a trip.
    • Rate the last trip.

Some major functionality that is implemented now is


  • Router here checks if the user is authorized or not.
  • It filters all the api calls in api route and routed them accordingly.
  • The controller (business) logic is also implemented in this layer.
  • This layer fetches the data from the service layer and also does the business logic in this layer.


  • Validation middleware validates and sanitized the user input to minimize security risks.
  • The validation here the work of the validation middleware is done using the passport authentication.


Not included in this project (The work of this layer is done in the Router layer of the repository).

  • The main/business logic is implemented is controller layer
  • It asks for data from service layer (But for this straight from repository)


Included in this project

  • Service layer implements all logic related to sql queries
  • It also fetches the data itself.


Not included in this project (The work of this layer is done in the service layer of the repository).

  • Repository is where the query is executed and served
  • Redis or Node Caching is done here (Not included in this project)

Database Connection

In this project the database used is oracle.

  • Holds all the data to function the project correctly.


Download zip of this repository, or clone this from git cli


The project runs on NodeJS environment. So at first you should download node in your machine.


After cloning create a database user with the following permission

  • create session.
  • create sequence.
  • create trigger.
  • create table.
  • create procedure
  • unlimited tablespace.

Or, Run the following code in cmd after connecting as sysdba.

define username = <USERNAME>
define password = <PASSWORD>
create user &username identified by &password;
grant create session, create view,
 create sequence,
 create procedure,
 create table,
 create trigger,
 create type,
 create materialized view
 to &username;

Then configure the project as mentioned here. Then run the scripts.

Running the scripts:

npm install


The environment variables and other sensitive info like password are kept in an env file. Create a .env file in the root folder. Add the following variables in it


Executing program

Run the script

npm start

to start node monitor realtime updater for node environment.

npm run dev

To kill process type ctrl+c ^C in terminal

End Points:

Depending on validation Category

Home Page


Public Get


Query Endpoint Request Params Response Type
Get fare /fare -src, des,
Get bus with id /bus/{id} -N/A json
Get bus dynamic status /bus/{id}/dynamic_status -N/A json
Get all company /company -N/A json
Get all route /route -N/A json
Get route by id /route/{id} -N/A json
Get all location /location -N/A json
Get location by id /location/{id} -N/A json
Get all route passing location /location/{location_id}/route -N/A json
Get all location of a route /route/{route_id}/location -N/A json
Get all destination from location /location/{location_id}/destination -N/A json
Get bus in a route today /route/{route_id}/bus -date (optional) json

Auth Get:

GET BASEURL/auth Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint
Register User /register
Request Admin Access /register_admin
Register Company /register_company
Register as Driver /register_driver
Login /login
Logout /logout

Auth Post:

POST BASEURL/auth Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint Body Params
Register User /register name, phoneNumber, password, password2
Request Admin Access /register_admin name, phoneNumber, password, password2
Register Company /register_company name, phoneNumber, password, password2,
Register as Driver /register_driver name, phoneNumber, password, password2,
Login /login phoneNumber, password
Logout /logout N/A

Admin Get:

GET BASEURL/admin Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint
Create Location /create_location
Create Route /create_route
Approve Company /approve_company
Update Rote /update_route

Admin Post:

POST BASEURL/admin Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint Body Params
Create Location /create_location param
Create Route /create_route param, loc_id, fares
loc_id, fare is Array
Approve Company /approve_company param
Update Rote /update_route param, loc_id, fares
loc_id, fare is Array

Company Get:

GET BASEURL/company Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint
Add a bus under a company /add_bus
Schedule a bus of company /schedule_bus
Approve a driver from requested /approve_driver

Company Post:

POST BASEURL/company Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint Body Params
Add a bus under a company /add_bus param, capacity
Schedule a bus of company /schedule_bus bus_id, route_id, operation_date, num_days
Approve a driver from requested /approve_driver bus_id, driver_id, operation_date

Driver Get:

GET BASEURL/company Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint
Request a bus /req_bus
Update a bus location /bus_position

Driver Post:

POST BASEURL/driver Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint Body Params
Request a bus /req_bus bus_id, num_days
Update a bus location /bus_position bus_id, x_coordinate, y_coordinate

User Get:

GET BASEURL/user Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint
Create a Trip /create_trip
End a running a trip /end_trip
Rate the last trip /rate_last

User Post:

POST BASEURL/company Response type: <HTML/>

Query Endpoint Body Params
Create a Trip /create_trip source, destination, route, bus
End a running a trip /end_trip param
Rate the last trip /rate_last rate