safeseven : SS7 Assessment Tool


  • Linux OS with sctp support
  • JRE 1.7 or above

simulating ss7 network

simulating HLR

java -jar server.jar hlr_config

simulating msc/vlr

java -jar server.jar vlr_config

running STP

java -jar STP.jar stp_config

Running safeseven

SMS related operations

java -jar SMS.jar client_config

USSD related operations

java -jar ussd.jar client_config

Call Related operations

java -jar Call_Handling.jar client_config

Mobility related operations

java -jar Mobility.jar client_config

Running client on actual ss7 network

Edit client_config file.


SERVER_IP="IP of STP you are connecting to"

CLIENT_IP="IP address provisioned for you in STP"


CLIENT_PORT="client provisioned port"

IS_SERVER=FALSE "should be always false"

Local_SPC="point code assigned to you"

Remote_SPC="point code of STP"

Local_SSN="local ssn"

Remote_SSN="remote ssn"

Routing_Context="routing context assigned to you by STP"

NETWORK_INDICATOR="Network indicator"

Local_GT="Local global title assigned to you"

Remote_GT="remote Global title you are testing"

Added Vulnerable Diameter Network


1: Read SCTP protocol

2: Read Diameter Protocol

3: Read S6a Interface of Diameter

4: Run vulnerable Diameter : java -jar dvdn.jar

5: Use Diameter Exploitation tools to exploit & learn Diameter Exploitation

Note: Only basic version is implemented as of now 

Many people want to run this tool but dont want to do little research

study SS7/SIGTRAN , MAP Protocol Specs before running this tool