
A software for fetching, storing and analyzing tweets.

Primary LanguageJava

⚠️ This project has been deprecated ⚠️

This project contains some very old code that does not reflect my standards anymore. I will be leaving the project in an archived state in case it is still useful to someone.

Twitter top-word counter

A software for fetching, storing and analyzing tweets. Specifically you can choose a database to store the tweets at and then you can count the distinct words from each tweet and show the top ten distinct words and hashtags.


  1. Download Java 8 and up from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads
  2. Download the release folder to an easily reachabe location, for example C:\release
  3. Rename release/twitter.example.properties to release/twitter.properties
  4. Open the release/twitter.properties file and fill in the 4 keys that you have from Twitter API (oauth.consumerKey, oauth.consumerSecret, oauth.accessToken, oauth.accessTokenSecret)


  1. Open the release folder
  2. Double click the executable

Libraries used