Software architecture project

Implement a library system according the microservice architecture style. The library system should contain the following services:

  1. Customers service: you can get, add, update and delete customers. Customers have a customernumber, name, phone, email, street, city, zip.
  2. BooksQuery service: you can get books. The book(s) that is/are returned by this service has an isbn, title, description, author name and all reviews of this book. Because this service is used a lot, make sure you run 2 instances of this booksQuery service. The API gateway should load balance between these instances.
  3. BooksCommand service: you can add, update and delete books. Books have an isbn, title, description and author name.
  4. Review service: you can add reviews for a certain book. Reviews have an isbn, review rating (number between 0 and 5), customer name and a description.
  5. Borrowings service: you can get, add, update and delete a borrowing. This borrowing contains all the details of the borrowing including borrowingNumber, date, customernumber, customerName, isbn and book title.

Store all data of the services in a Mongo database. For this project you can use 1 mongo instance for all services. Make sure all services use a different mongo collection. Implement the following supporting services: registry, API gateway, Zipkin and a config server.

When a customer borrows a book in the borrowingservice, the only data provided is the isbn number and the customernumber. The borrowing service will then call the book service for the book information, and call the customer service for customer information.

Implement the following events:

 When we change customer data, the corresponding borrowing(s) should also change

 When we change book data, the corresponding borrowing(s) should also change

 When we add, update or delete book data, the corresponding bookquery service should update its data

 When you add a review for a book, the bookquery service should update its data

Make sure you implement the services using the best practices we learned in this course.

Think about layers, adapters and DTO’s, domain classes, etc.

Write a client application that executes the following scenario:

  1. Add 2 customers to the customer service
  2. Add 2 books to the bookcommand service
  3. Add 2 reviews for every book in the review service, one review per customer
  4. Get all books from the booksquery service with all the information of the books and print it to the console.
  5. Add a borrowing to the borrowingservice for a book and a customer
  6. Change the title of this book that is borrowed
  7. Get this book from the booksquery service and check if the title has changed
  8. Get the corresponding borrowing and check if the book title has changed

The client application is a plain java application that writes the output in the console. It does not have a web UI.


  • All code that you write. Every microservice should be in a separate Maven project that can be opened with IntelliJ.
  • A UML class diagram of the design of the classes in every service (in PDF)
  • A video of a 15-20 minutes presentation of your application.

The grading of this project is based on:

  • The quality of your code and design
  • The quality of the presentation.
  • Did you implement all requirements?