== A sample Facebook Rails 3 App Using Oauth2 and the new Facebook Graph API == Getting started 1. Get a Facebook App Api id/secret a. http://www.facebook.com/developers/?ref=sb add this app, if you haven't already b. Set up a new application http://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php c. Set your application's connect url (perhaps to http://localhost:3000/) 2. Setup your environment a. Install gem bundler http://gembundler.com/ b. bundle install c. Put your api id/secret (from step 1) in facebook_keys.yml 3. bundle exec rails server == Some related reading The old api: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/API Nice Facebook Connect Tutorial: http://madebymany.co.uk/tutorial-for-restful_authentication-on-rails-with-facebook-connect-in-15-minutes-00523 The new graph api: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api Oauth2 gem: http://intridea.com/2010/4/22/oauth2-gem-just-in-time-for-facebook-graph Oauth2... Now up to 2 clients! http://wiki.oauth.net/OAuth-2.0