Terraform module for AWS CodePipeline

The purpose of the module is to create a AWS CodePipeline.

  • AWS CodePipeline
  • AWS IAM Role (Optional)


  • The Terraform CLI, version 1.2.5 or later.
  • AWS Credentials configured for use with Terraform.
  • The git CLI.


The following example shows how to use the module.

module "codepipeline" {
  source         = "../"
  artifact_store = var.artifact_store
  common_tags    = var.tags
  description    = var.description
  name           = var.name
  stages         = var.stages
  kms_key_id     = aws_kms_key.example.arn


The following are the variables used for this module.

Name Type Default Description
region String ap-southeast-2 The target AWS region for the cluster.
env String demo The codepipeline environment name
name String "" Codepipeline name.
byo_iam_role bool false Indicates whether to use existing IAM role.
byo_role_arn String "" BYO codepipeline IAM role ARN.
policypath String " Codepipeline IAM role policy path.
stages list() [] This list describes each stage of the codebuild.
artifact_store map {} Map to populate the artifact block. The creation of the artifact store not managed within the module. It needs to be created outside the module and pass the location ID/ARN to the module.
kms_key_id String "" The KMS key id that should be used to encrypt arteficts.
tags Map {} AWS tags to be applied to created resources.

Variable Example

description   = "Codepipeline for Terraform deploy"
env           = "prod"
name          = "cp-tf"
byo_iam_role  = true
byo_role_arn  = arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/samplerole

artifact_store = {
    location = "codepipeline-<S3_bucket_name>"
    type = "S3" 

stages = [
    name = "Source"
    action = [{
      name     = "Source"
      category = "Source"
      owner    = "AWS"
      provider = "CodeCommit"
      version  = "1"
      configuration = {
        BranchName           = "master"
        PollForSourceChanges = "false"
        RepositoryName       = "testrepo"
      input_artifacts  = []
      output_artifacts = ["SourceArtifact"]
      run_order        = 1
    name = "Build"
    action = [{
      name             = "Build"
      category         = "Build"
      owner            = "AWS"
      provider         = "CodeBuild"
      input_artifacts  = ["SourceArtifact"]
      output_artifacts = ["BuildArtifact"]
      version          = "1"
      run_order        = 2
      configuration = {
        ProjectName = "testrepo"

tags = {
  name   = "codepipeline"
  module = "module/tf-module-aws-codepipeline"


This module will provide the following outputs.

Output Name Type Description
codepipeline string The output of the aws_codepipeline resource.
cp_role_arn string ARN of the pipeline role if var.role_arn is not supplied.
cp_role_name string Name of the pipeline role created if var.role_arn is not supplied.