see sample output of earlier working version.
rendr is a selfish project. It is my personal workflow for static site development. This is not my main workflow. For that I use Assemble.
There is no guarentee rendr will work for you as there are many processes custom to my environment. Its not impossible though. Good Luck. See, selfish.
If I had to give myself a grade on this project, it would be C-
(but an A
for effort 😄)
$ npm install akileez\rendr
See example/index.js for the configuration object.
var rendr = require('rendr')
var config = {
defaults: {
globals: {
// handlebars contextual stuff can go here
@param {Object} config optional configuration object for project settings WIP!!!
I use globally install npm modules in this project to cut down the size of any individual web project I may develop. Not a smart move in the long run for sure. But there is a the work-around to install modules after the fact as storage to sort of "shrinkwrap" the project. Globally install modules are the following:
- clean-css
- uglify-js
- js-beautify
- uncss
- less
- less-plugin-autoprefix
- less-plugin-csscomb
- favicons
- chokidar
I also use various command line utilites and/or globally install node modules to effect a process.
- rsync
- svgo (npm module)
- gzip
- pngquant
- jpegoptim
- ImageOptim (Mac OS X application)
The following repos have been incorporated into app/src
which are also key to the functionality
of this repo:
- gray-matter
- globby
- layouts
- require-glob
- handlebars-registrar
- rimraf
This is the base directory structure I used when developing rendr
. You should be able to alter as you see
fit but something will probably catch a snag. There are some hardcoded items within due to me only thinking
of myself. I did not test any alternative structres yet. This project was only an experiment to see if I could do it.
❯ tree -d -L 2 -I node_modules
├── assets (staging area)
│ ├── css
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── ico
│ ├── img
│ ├── js
│ └── pdf
├── build (build directory. Not needed. Will be created at rendr time.)
│ ├── articles
│ └── assets
├── config (handlebars contextual data. app for sitewide, data for specific purposes)
│ ├── app
│ └── data
├── helpers (your handlebars helpers)
├── layouts (how I structure projects)
│ ├── globals (global layouts)
│ ├── regions (sub-layouts filter into the global -- used to structure individual pages/templates)
│ ├── sectors (were I keep partials. I only use partials for the layouts.)
│ └── templates (page templates. I structure a site within this folder)
├── pages (you could call these partials but they are individual modules used to fill in templates
structure this as you see fit.)
├── scripts (javascript files. rendr extensions dependent on structure here. styles and support included)
│ ├── bootstrap
│ ├── dev
│ ├── libs
│ ├── plugins
│ ├── theme
│ └── views
├── styles (less files)
│ ├── bootstrap
│ ├── development
│ ├── theme
│ └── vendor
└── support (static assests ... like bower)
├── fonts
├── img
├── js
├── pdf
└── php
38 directories
rendr is an educational excursion as most of my projects are. It is being posted on github because I wish to share. I have no intention on ever publishing this to npm. A side project of this, hard, will be published eventually. Actually, rendr started off as hard. When the initial goals and requirements were coded, I got a crazy thought of converting my assemblefile into a mini application. Four weeks later rendr was born.