
Machine Learning Workflow with Airflow

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Machine Learning Workflow with Airflow

Workflow diagram airflow workflow

Machine Learning Workflow with Airflow


This project utilizes Apache Airflow to orchestrate a machine learning pipeline. It includes:

  • Data preparation
  • Saving weather data in JSON format
  • Converting data to CSV
  • Evaluating different regression models:
    • Linear Regression
    • Decision Tree
    • Random Forests
  • Selecting the best model based on their performance obtained through cross-validation.


  • Python 3.x
  • Apache Airflow
  • Main Python dependencies: pandas, scikit-learn


  1. Python Environment: Ensure Python is installed on your system.

  2. Apache Airflow:

    • First, follow the instructions below to install and configure Apache Airflow on your system. These are extracted from the evaluation guidelines.
# shutting down previous containers
docker-compose down 

# deleting previous docker-compose
rm docker-compose.yaml

# downloading new docker-compose.yml file
wget https://dst-de.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/airflow_avance_fr/eval/docker-compose.yaml

# creating directories
mkdir clean_data
mkdir raw_files

echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)\nAIRFLOW_GID=0" > .env

docker-compose up airflow-init

wget https://dst-de.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/airflow_avance_fr/eval/data.csv -O clean_data/data.csv

echo '[]' >> raw_files/null_file.json

# starting docker-compose
docker-compose up -d

airflow pools set ml_pool 1 "Pool ML airflow"
  • Define the necessary environment variables for retrieving API data.
    • Rename dags/helpers/airflow_config.default.json to dags/helpers/airflow_config.json.
    • Modify dags/helpers/airflow_config.json with the necessary information.

Project Structure

  • dags/: Contains the DAG file for the machine learning pipeline.
  • raw_files/: Folder for storing raw retrieved data.
  • clean_datas/: Folder for storing cleaned data and the best model.
  • dags/helpers/: Python scripts for data preparation, model training, etc.
  • raw_files/: Folder for storing raw retrieved data.
  • clean_datas/: Folder for storing cleaned data and the best model.

DAG Configuration

The DAG, named dag_openweather, is configured to run every minute. You can modify the schedule and other default parameters as per your requirements.

The dag_openweather DAG also includes a subdag named waiter_sub_dag which delays the execution of tasks 2 and 3.

DAG Tasks

  • Save Weather Data :
    • save_json_data
  • Transform JSON files to CSV :
    • get_20_last_json_files_to_csv
    • get_all_json_files_to_csv
  • Compute and Evaluate Models :
    • compute_linear_regression
    • compute_decision_tree
    • compute_random_forest
  • Select Best Model :
    • choose_best_model


  • Check JSON Files:
    • check_min_20_json_files
  • Check Clean Data Files:
    • check_clean_data
    • check_clean_fulldata


To run the workflow:

  1. Start the Airflow web interface and scheduler.
  2. Activate the DAG named dag_openweather.
  3. Monitor execution and logs through the web interface.