Garden Monitor


This is a garden monitor using various sensors to talk back to a device, probably a raspberry pi. The first sensors will be capacative moisture sensors to tell how wet soil is. The plan is to allow for other sensors such as humidity, soil PH, etc.

Tools needed

  • ampy
  • esptool

Moisture Sensors

These will be using capacative soil sensors atied to an ESP8266. This ESP should communicate with the "server" to upload current readings.


  • ESP8266 flashed with MicroPython
  • Capacative soil sensor


Wiring Diagram



The server should accept and store readings from the sensors and provide a dashboard to see historical and current readings.


In theory this will probably run on any Linux system but will be specifically targetting Raspberry Pi for now. Will test with a Raspberry Pi B 3 and 4. Would be nice to make it lightweight enough to run on a Pi Zero.


Backend should be capable of running in a container. Would like to write this in Rust for the sole purpose of me wanting to learn it. Frontend will probably be some sort of JS as that usually goes.a


  • Learn how to use ESP8266 with capacative soil sensors
  • Figure out best way for ESP to communicate readings with server
  • Set up server accordingly