
Dust alarm program developed by the EAO for the operation of JCMT.

Primary LanguagePython

Dust Alarm

The dust alarm is a gui program that monitors an API and warns a user when the particle count has exceed the tolerance.

  • The warning is audible (and eventually visual)
  • Monitors Keck's inner dome sensor

Development plan


Create a command line program that can be control by parameter that sounds an audible alarm when the particle count has exceed the tolerance.


  • particle tolerance


Create a gui program (tkinter) that audibly warns the user when the particle count has exceeded tolerance.

  • particle tolerance can be controlled via the gui
  • the current particle count is displayed on the gui
  • the user is visually warned though the gui


Text-to-Speech (TTS) with Tacotron2 trained on LJSpeech.

I used the web interface to generate flac files for the following phrases (incorrect spelling for proper pronunciation):

  • Less than ten particles have been detected in one leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded ten particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded twenty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded thirty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded forty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded fifty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded one hundred particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded one hundred and fifty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded two hundred particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded two hundred and fifty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded three hundred particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded three hundred and fifty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded four hundred particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded four hundred and fifty particles per leeter of air
  • The particle count has exceeded five hundred particles per leeter of air

The flac files were then convert to wav files using the following command:

flac -d <flac_file>


Create a file secret.py in the same directory as dust_alarm.py with the following two variables

SOUND_FILES = 'absolute/path/to/sound/file/directory'
KECK_API = 'Keck particle api url'

Ensure the following aliases exists on the user account interested in using this software

alias dust_alarm="/path/to/project/dust-alarm/dust_alarm.py"
alias dust_alarm_quiet="/path/to/project/dust-alarm/dust_alarm.py --quiet"


# normal usage
$ dust_alarm &  # fg and end the process to end the alarm program or kill the whole terminal.
# quiet usage, no output to terminal
$ dust_alarm_quiet &

# define tolerance explicitly
$ dust_alarm --tolerance 100 &
$ dust_alarm_quiet -t 100 &