
Prometheus exporter for Space Engineers dedicated server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Space Engineers Prometheus Exporter

PyPI PyPI - Python Version License: MIT


  • Installing with pip:
pip3 install se-exporter
  • Installing from source:
git clone https://github.com/akimrx/space-engineers-exporter.git --recursive
cd space-engineers-exporter
make install  # or python3 setup.py install


Help output

  -h host, --host host                 Space Engineers Server (API) host
  -p port, --port port                 SE Remote API port. Default: 8080
  -t key, --token key                  SE Remote API secret key
  --listen-addr addr                   Address on which to expose metrics.
  --listen-port port                   Port on which to expose metrics.
                                       Default: 9122
  --help                               Show this help message
  --version                            Show exporter version

  -c file, --config file               Path to the config file
  -a, --run-async                      Enable async collect metrics from SE.
                                       It works much faster. If your se server
                                       doesn't have good perfomance - don't
                                       use this feature
  --loglevel debug/info/warning/error  Log facility. Default: info

Config example

host: localhost
port: 5000

token: xY12qwe6ZZx123==
loglevel: info

listen_port: 9122

run_async: true


  • Run with config file:
se-exporter --config /home/akimrx/config.yml
  • Run with args:
se-exporter -h -p 8080 --listen-port 9122 --token "XYZQWERty123-==" --run-async

Exported metrics

Metric Type Labels Description
players_count gauge server, world Total online players on the server
player_ping gauge server, world, player_name, player_id, faction Player ping
total_banned_players gauge server, world Total banned players on the server
total_kicked_players gauge server, world Total kicked players on the server
server_is_ready gauge server, world The server is ready to connect players
simulation_speed gauge server, world Current world simulation speed
simulation_cpu_load gauge server, world Current CPU load by simulation
server_game_uptime_seconds gauge server, world Time during which the server is ready to play
total_pcu_used gauge server, world Total used PCU on the ingame world by all
pirate_total_pcu_used gauge server, world Total used PCU on the ingame world by pirates
planets_count gauge server, world Number of planets on the game world
total_grids gauge server, world Number of grids on the game world
total_asteroids gauge server, world Number of asteroids on the game world
total_floating_objects gauge server, world Number of floating objects on the game world
characters_count gauge server, world Count of total characters on the game world

Example real metrics output

# HELP python_gc_objects_collected_total Objects collected during gc
# TYPE python_gc_objects_collected_total counter
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation="0"} 246.0
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation="1"} 222.0
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation="2"} 0.0
# HELP python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total Uncollectable object found during GC
# TYPE python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total counter
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation="0"} 0.0
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation="1"} 0.0
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation="2"} 0.0
# HELP python_gc_collections_total Number of times this generation was collected
# TYPE python_gc_collections_total counter
python_gc_collections_total{generation="0"} 82.0
python_gc_collections_total{generation="1"} 7.0
python_gc_collections_total{generation="2"} 0.0
# HELP python_info Python platform information
# TYPE python_info gauge
python_info{implementation="CPython",major="3",minor="7",patchlevel="4",version="3.7.4"} 1.0
# HELP se_request_processing Time spent collecting SE server data
# TYPE se_request_processing summary
se_request_processing_count 1.0
se_request_processing_sum 0.903450259
# HELP se_request_processing_created Time spent collecting SE server data
# TYPE se_request_processing_created gauge
se_request_processing_created 1.6086711216817129e+09
# HELP players_count Number of online players on the server
# TYPE players_count gauge
players_count{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 1.0
# HELP server_is_ready The server is ready to connect players
# TYPE server_is_ready gauge
server_is_ready{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 1.0
# HELP player_ping Just players ping
# TYPE player_ping gauge
player_ping{faction="FLEX",player_id="12345678910111213",player_name="akimrx",server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 13.0
player_ping{faction="FLEX",player_id="12345678910111214",player_name="rust",server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 26.0
# HELP planets_count Number of planets in the game world
# TYPE planets_count gauge
planets_count{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 8.0
# HELP simulation_speed Current simulation speed in the game world
# TYPE simulation_speed gauge
simulation_speed{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 1.02
# HELP simulation_cpu_load CPU load generated by the simulation
# TYPE simulation_cpu_load gauge
simulation_cpu_load{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 21.0
# HELP server_game_uptime_seconds Time during which the server is ready to play
# TYPE server_game_uptime_seconds gauge
server_game_uptime_seconds{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 16529.0
# HELP total_pcu_used Number of total used PCU on the server
# TYPE total_pcu_used gauge
total_pcu_used{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 51902.0
# HELP pirate_total_pcu_used Number of total used PCU by Pirates on the server
# TYPE pirate_total_pcu_used gauge
pirate_total_pcu_used{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 3729.0
# HELP total_grids Count of total grids on the game world
# TYPE total_grids gauge
total_grids{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 14.0
# HELP total_asteroids Count of total asteroids on the game world
# TYPE total_asteroids gauge
total_asteroids{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 119.0
# HELP total_floating_objects Count of total floating objects on the game world
# TYPE total_floating_objects gauge
total_floating_objects{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 84.0
# HELP characters_count Count of total characters (including disconnected, but are on the server) on the game world
# TYPE characters_count gauge
characters_count{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 3.0
# HELP total_banned_players Count of total banned players on the game world
# TYPE total_banned_players gauge
total_banned_players{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 1.0
# HELP total_kicked_players Count of total kicked players on the game world
# TYPE total_kicked_players gauge
total_kicked_players{server="se by akimrx",world="star system"} 2.0

Grafana Dashboard

For more details read this page