Data Scientist | Data Analyst

Technical Skills: Python(Pandas,Sckit-learn,Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch), SQL, Power Bi, Excel, Tableau ,Data Analyst, Time Series Forcasting, Sentiment Analysis


  • B.SC, Information Systems | Federal University of Technology (August 2023)
  • Associate Degree, Computer Craft | Lagos State Technical College (September 2016)

Work Experience

Data Scientist. Intellidane Cybernetics (September 2020 - November 2022)

  • Developed and implemented proprietary algorithmic trading strategies using machine learning models and some statistics indicators.
  • I used analytical findings to influence the decision of the strategy to use in implementing proprietary algorithmic trading strategies.
  • Developed a machine Learning model that predicts pneumonia severity either high severity or mid severity or low severity using neural network, MLP, Random forest.
  • I performed a predictive analysis applying a machine Learning model that predicts several cryptocurrency prices, forcast financial market movement.
  • Frequently imported, inspected, cleaned, and transformed data with regard to the business goals of the company using Python. Excel and PowerBi to prepare reports and dashboards.
  • Developed a machine Learning model that predicts several cryptocurrency prices using LSTM for the prediction and using Random Forest for the classification of either to buy or sell.

Freelance Data Scientist/Analyst (December 2022 - Present)

  • I developed and implemented compelling dashboard using data to tell a story and generate key data points insights For an HR company.
  • Developed a reinforcement learning for network intrusion detection system using NSL_KDD dataset.
  • I developed an image classification using CIFAR-10 datasets.
  • I developed a machine learning model to detect mental health among teenagers.
  • I interpreted, analyzed and presented the analysis of my data results.
  • I developed and designed an interactive dashboard for a software product that shows insights on customer usage.


Weapon Detection

Developed a machine Learning model built with Tensorflow libraries that detect weapons(knives, matchet ) using inceptionv2, Restnet101,Restnet50.

Crypto trading bot

Developed and implemented proprietary algorithmic trading strategies using simple moving average (200) and exponential moving average(200)

Apple's Green House Emission

I analyze and design a dashboard that shows how Apple has reduced their emission from 2015 to 2022, I also analyze how this trend compare to their revenue and market capital trend in the same period.

Apple's Green House Emission

Inventory Management Dashboard

I designed a compelling dashboard on inventory management based on ABC analysis and XYZ analysis in inventory management system. ABC analysis is a method in which inventory is divided into three categories, i.e A,B and C in descending value. The items in the A category have highest value, B category items are of lower value than A, and C category items have the lowest value. XYZ analysis is a way to classify inventory items according to the variability of their demand or derived/forcasted consumption. XYZ analysis can be used to plan material requirements and inventory levels so that waste, production delays, or excessive inventory levels can be avoided. I use DAX to create a measure for the analysis.

Inventory Management Dashboard