
A desktop widget for transmission

Primary LanguagePython


Python modules required:
gir libraries Gtk, Gdk, GLib, AppIndicator3
cairo, transmissionrpc, psutil,
These are standard but listed in case of packing up a portable interpreter....
subprocess, signal, os, json, cgi

Getting started:
Close transmission-gtk for the first run.
Launch transmissionWidget.py

  • reason is that it modifies the config.json and transmission saves it on shutdown...
  • from here on out, you should be fine to start the widget before or after launching the gtk front-end

Prettying up the sidebar and sequential downloading, color/transparency configuration -
all coming, but I had to get it sort of working first.


  1. configuration options for text and background coloration, window position, and transparency

  2. notification on individual file completion

  3. anything else?