
Carmelo is a fast, scalable Java server framework designed for online games. It uses Netty and Fastjson for highly efficient network transmission and supports both TCP/HTTP protocols.

Primary LanguageJava

Carmelo is a fast, scalable Java server framework designed for online games. It uses Netty and Fastjson for highly efficient network transmission and supports multiple protocols. It also uses Spring for business logic and Hibernate for data persistence. This framework implements its own servlet to handle client requests, so you can easily extend it to build your own server.

Start from here

Pre-requisites: Please have Java 1.8, Maven 3.x, Eclipse and MySQL 5.6.x installed.


  1. git clone https://github.com/needmorecode/carmelo.git
  2. cd carmelo
  3. mvn eclipse:eclipse
  4. Eclipse -> file -> import -> maven -> existing maven projects -> select carmelo project
  5. carmelo project in Eclipse -> right click on pom.xml -> run as -> maven install


  1. cd src/main/java/carmelo/examples
  2. execute /server/my_test_user.sql in MySQL
  3. run or debug /server/ServerMain.java in Eclipse
  4. run or debug /client/TcpClientMain.java or /client/HttpClientMain.java in Eclipse