
Submissions to the 2019 TC Disrupt Kinship Hackathon

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Kinship TC Disrupt Hackaton

Welcome to the Kinship TC Disrupt Hackaton! This repository contains a list of data sources and bootstraps to jumpstart your next incredible project 💥 🐶 🚀


Standford Dog Dataset : 20,580 images of 120 breeds of dogs

Dog API : A RESTful API for programmatic on demand hosted dog image.

Dog Photo Classification : An excellent post on Dog Image Classification by Jason Brownlee

Banfield Hospitals : List of all Banfield Hospitals

Pet Insurance Quotes : A pet insurance API hosted by Nationwide

GetYourPet API : A geolocated pet adoption API connecting pet owners with adopters

Petfinder API : The petfinder API lets you search pets that are up for adoption by breed, pet, shelter, or by breed/pet at a specific shelter

VCA Hospitals : List of all VCA Hospitals

Dog Parks : List of Offleash Dogparks via Bring Fido

Dog Friendly Restraunts : List of dog friendly restraunts via Bring Fido

Application Starters

React Starter Kit : A modern web application starter kit built with React

Vue CLI : The Vue.js CLI is great for quickly generating Vue based project scaffolding

Node.js Hackathon Starter : A comprehensive Node.js based Hackathon project bootstrap

UI Frameworks

Bulma : A modern open source pure CSS library built with Flexbox, which can integrate into any Javascript environment

Material UI : Material Design Inspired React UI Framework

Foundation : An extensive UI framework built by Zurb

Bootstrap : One of the longest running CSS frameworks around

Cloud Hosting Platforms

Amazon Web Services : Amazon's wildly popular web service platform

Heroku : Heroku lets you quickly stand up web applications and APIs

Google Cloud Platform : Google Cloud has a vast array of tooling for building applications and services

Azure : Microsoft's azure platform also provides a vast array of tools

Zeit : Ultra slim web deployment


Atom : A customizable development environment built by Github that supports most languages & frameworks

VSCode : Microsoft's wildly popular open source development environment

Postman : An API testing / collaboration platform to easily build & test APIs