
A oh-my-zsh theme for zsh users.

The UnlicenseUnlicense


A ZSH theme


Screenshot 1

How To Install

  1. Download || Clone the URL
  2. Copy themes folder that contains fishy2.zsh-theme
  3. Open Terminal, enter defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES to show hidden files and folders
  4. Go to your home directory and find .oh-my-zsh folder, right click and open in new tab, enter the custom folder
  5. Paste the themes folder you copied into the custom folder and close finder
  6. Enter your oh-my-zsh configuration file by entering vi ~/.zshrc, and press i key to enter edit mode
  7. Change your current theme ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell" to ZSH_THEME="fishy2", and press esc key to leave edit mode
  8. Press :wq to leave Vi mode
  9. Enter source ~/.zshrc to save the configuration
  10. Done, Enjoy your new theme!!
  1. Add zgen load akinjide/fishy2 themes to your .zshrc with your other zgen load commands
  2. zgen save to create a new init.zsh
  3. start a new iTerm window to load the new configuration.

Inspired by Original fishy